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4 Pieces of Personal Protective Equipment That Help Limit the Spread of COVID-19

June 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — collinsvilleda @ 10:55 pm
Dentist in Collinsville wearing PPE

Due to COVID-19, many patients are practicing extensive sanitation measures to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. However, your dentist has implemented proper infection control protocols long before 2020. Although, in light of the pandemic, they are using additional personal protective equipment to keep themselves, their staff, and their patients safe. Your dentist in Collinsville shares four pieces of PPE that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend to practice dental safety during COVID-19.

Surgical Masks

While standard face masks help the public stay safe when breaching the stay-at-home orders, dentists are required to wear surgical masks at their office. Since their work environment puts them at high risk of exposure to the novel Coronavirus, these medical-grade masks are a necessity. They provide them with the protection they need from bacteria and viruses that can become aerosolized during a procedure.

Eye Protection

Did you know that the part of the body that is most commonly contaminated during a dental procedure is the face? While effective, face masks alone do not provide dentists with the protection they need from the splatter of blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids. Therefore, the CDC is recommending that goggles or full-face shields be used during any dental procedures during COVID-19.

Disposable Gowns

Even before the current pandemic, dentists wore newly cleaned scrubs and lab coats to prevent cross-contamination and foster a sterile environment. While these measures are still in place to protect the safety of patients and staff members alike, the CDC is encouraging dental offices to use an additional layer of protection. Therefore, dentists are opting for single-use, disposable gowns that can negate the absorption of airborne particles.


According to Harvard Medical School, health care workers can carry roughly five million bacteria on each hand at any given time. To prevent viruses from lingering on their hands long enough to be spread from person to person, your dentist practices frequent handwashing in tandem with wearing gloves. This provides them with a layer of protection when coming in contact with a patient’s oral tissue, blood, or saliva. It also ensures patients are not exposed to any microorganisms on the dentist’s hands.

For your dentist, protecting their office (and the people in it) from COVID-19 is a top priority. Therefore, they will be following the personal protective equipment guidelines set forth by the CDC so you can get the oral care you need in a safe environment! 

About Collinsville Dental Associates

With an emphasis on modern technology and world-class service, Collinsville Dental Associates have built a reputation on their dental excellence. Backed by their talented staff, Dr. Michael Lavinder and Dr. Trey Richard use their clinical talents to provide high-quality care to smiles of all ages. If you would like information on how they are using their expertise to protect their patients during this pandemic, visit their website or give them a call at 276-647-1494.

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